
KCSE mean grade of C+ with a minimum grade of C+ in Physics/ Physical Science, and C+ in Mathematics, Chemistry and either Biology/ Biological Science or any Group III, IV or V subjects; OR A–level two principal passes and one subsidiary pass in the relevant subjects; OR Relevant Diploma from an institution recognized by the University Senate.


Applied Optics and Lasers is one of the new key scientific areas of the twenty-first century. It involves the practical application of light, optics, and electronics in Laser based laboratories and in purpose built Laser systems in Medical fields, Industry, Military, and Research Institutions. Bachelor of Science in Applied Optics and Lasers programme seeks to produce graduates with sufficient background in the Physics of Lasers and their applications in Industry, Medical facilities, Fiber Optics communication among others. Such graduates will also be competent in applying Optics in a diverse range of applications in imaging, interferometry, optical design, optical instrumentation, optical data storage, optical fibers, and fiber optics communication among others. Applied Optics and Lasers will play a critical role in enabling manufacturing industries, medical facilities, data storage applications, research institutions, telecommunications, national security and defense technologies in the 21st century.

A Laser device produces an intense, coherent, monochromatic and highly directional beam. In order for the Laser beam to be used in particular application, optical elements are required to tailor and propagate the beam in an optical set-up to meet the requirements of the application.
As a result of the discovery of the Laser in the 1960s, new technologies continue to emerge that use the Laser as a source of monochromatic and coherent light. Technological advancements in holography, interferometry, metrology, data storage and security, fiber optic communication, material processing and manufacturing, military and medical applications have been possible due to the Laser.
Currently, there is no institution of higher learning in Kenya and in East and Central Africa offering an undergraduate degree in Applied Optics and Lasers. Consequently, many of the Laser based applications have not been exploited in Kenya and in the region due to lack of competent manpower. This programme seeks to address this shortfall by training competent personnel to handle, apply and maintain Lasers and Laser based devices.
In addition, Kenya is undergoing immense growth in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation; hence the need for training scientists in Applied Optics and Lasers. Graduates of this programme will find employment opportunities nationally, regionally and internationally in areas such as Laser development, integrating Lasers into products and systems and in Laser based application facilities. A background in Applied Optics and Lasers degree will also facilitate the graduate to embark on a cutting edge research.

The programme takes 4 years

In the first year of study each student will be required to take thirteen (13) core units. In addition each student will be required to take three (3) University common units.
In second year of study, each student will be required to take fourteen (14) core units and two (2) Faculty common units while in third year of study, each student will be required to take thirteen (13) core units and one (1) Faculty unit.
In fourth year of study, each student will take twelve (12) core units, one (1) Faculty unit and one (1) University unit. Unless otherwise stated, each course is one unit. Each unit shall comprise the equivalent of 45 contact hours spread over 14 teaching weeks.