Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU), has initiated a strategic effort to explore the possibility of launching degree programmes in Education.
The university has set up an ad hoc committee to engage with key stakeholders and benchmark with leading institutions in the education sector.
The ad hoc committee, led by Prof. Iyaya Wanjala has already visited Teachers Service Commission (TSC), Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVETA), among other key education training institutions for benchmarking initiatives.
According of Prof. Iyaya, the committee’s primary objective is to assess resources needed to establish Faculty of Education, and to guide in development of the corresponding education programs.
He also noted that MMU plans to leverage its established strengths in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Media Technology by producing highly competent teachers in the mentioned areas.

MMU Education ad hoc committee with KICD Director Prof. Charles O. Ong’ondo (fourth right)
and other senior KICD staff during a benchmarking exercise on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
The initiative is aimed at bridging the gap in shortage of teachers who can effectively deliver the Competence Based Curriculum, in the aforementioned areas shall help aligns with market demands and support the goals outlined in the Kenya Vision 2030. The ten-member ad hoc committee, chaired by Prof. Iyaya, consist of Dr. Joash Mulabe, Dr. Eng. Edward Odhong, Dr. Boniface Ngari, Dr. Mary Kiveu, Dr. Joy Mutegi, Dr. Paul Obonyo, Dr. Mutinda Mutisya, Ms. Yvette Otukana, and Ms. Margaret Gitonga.